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The Best Hot Sauce and Food Combinations

I wrote this blog knowing that these best hot sauce and food combinations could start some heated debates. However, lets put our flavor differences aside and embrace the wide range of unique and amazing hot sauce and food combinations out there.

I asked our biggest chilihead fans that subscribe to our newsletter (sign up at the footer), "If you have to pick the best hot sauce and food combination, what would it be?" Here are some of the most popular answers:

Pepperoni Pizza and Captain Mowatt hot sauce 

"Because pizza is enlivened by many types of hot sauce, and it's great fun matching different style/flavor sauces to different styles of pizza. Fruit-based sauce (Captain Mowatt out of Maine makes a great blueberry sauce and a fireberry sauce), chipotle, jalapeño, smoked vs non-smoked -- all work well on pizzas. We have a bucket that holds twelve bottles, and we bring that to the table, full, when we make homemade pizza and watch football. In fact, I'm glad it's soon to be football season - that means pizza will be back on the menu 2 times/week." - MB, Jason     

Pumpkin hot sauce on avocado toast 

"I almost went with pizza but gotta give the avocado toast some love. Medium to hot pumpkin hot sauces go really well with the creamy consistency of avocados and the crunch of toast."  - Stephen

Louisiana style hot sauces with Mayonnaise 

"Mayonnaise is great on a lot of different foods, and hot sauce makes mayonnaise taste so much better by giving it more flavor and a kick. By putting the hot sauce into mayonnaise you can spread the mayonnaise onto a lot more foods so that you can put it on more than one food. See what I did there?" - Martin

Mexican Street Corn andchipotle hot sauce 

"My friend made it for me for the first time on July 4th and I ate three and dowsed them with hot sauce. So good!" - Brian

Bagel and cream cheese with a habanero hot sauce

A wonderful trilogy of flavor. You get the crunch of a toasted bagel and then you get a creamy and hot/fruity mix that meets together to great a pleasant flavor punch. You will get some dirty looks at your cafe for those that don't know what's up, but that other chilihead in the room will give you a nod of approval or even a wink ;)

Refried beans and super hot hot sauces

"They are the perfect food for my rocket fuel aka hot sauce. The taste goes perfectly with the burn you get from the hot sauce" -Peter

Eggs and medium heat hot sauces

"Hot Sauce and eggs go perfect together because hot sauce can add such a great flavor and mixes well with both the whites and the yoke. I can't have an omelet without hot sauce on it, because it needs that flavorful kick. Also, a wide range of hot sauces goes well with eggs, but I prefer to keep to mild to medium meet before noon!" - Bob & Jennifer

Mac & Cheese and whatever hot sauce tickles your fancy

Mac & cheese is one hell of a hot sauce vessel. There are no rules when it comes to what hot sauce you use with your mac & cheese.

Ghost pepper hot sauces with Soups / Stews 

Not your average answer eh? We've got the perfect hot sauce for you. The Golden Pumpkin Craic Hot Sauce is spicy with a solid heat from the ghost pepper but not overpowering. 

Fish Tacos with a verde hot sauce 

We have plenty of hot sauces that were made for fish. There is nothing like that fresh cilantro and jalapeño flavor added to fish tacos! 

Sausages & Dogs with tomato based hot sauce, no ketchup

Obviously we mean hot dogs, guys. Throw out that ketchup and toss some sauce for that extra kick on those hot summer bbq days.

Fried Chicken and scotch bonnet hot sauces 

A creative take on fried chicken! Almost like jumbo chicken wings! Use as a dipping sauce or a just dump the tropical heat all over!

Stir-fry with vegan hot sauces

Looking for a way to incorporate more vegetal flavor to your stir fry mix? Try the wide range of vegan and vegetal hot sauces that can add even more unique flavor to this Asian-influenced meal. 

Hummus + Grated Cheese + Sriracha + Pretzels 

This last one needs some explanation, and I let this multi-food combo slide and make the list because it was a genius finding from my college roommate. Alex explains... "I always thought I was a culinary artist and I'm especially creative after a few drinks. One night I came back to my apartment after a night out in Amherst, and of course, I had the munchies. I looked in the fridge and took out the hummus and pretzels, but my roommate Brian, being the chilehead he is, had some hot sauce so I put that on too. Then I decided to put a layer of grated cheese to top it off. The pretzels dipped in the hummus with hot sauce and grated cheese is the perfect combination of creamy, salty, and crunchy. It's so addictive that before you know it you've gone through your whole tub of hummus in one sitting." - Alex

This isn't just a question for our subscribers. Comment below and keep the debate going! Big thanks to all the chilehead followers that contributed!

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